
About My Work

I study, write and speak on thinking quality. 

I believe each of us, individually or working in teams, has an untapped potential to access thinking that can transform our decision-making and our lives.

Thinking quality is about harnessing the best from our minds and continuously working to expand our abilities. It’s the awareness of, and ability to choose and apply, the most effective thinking stratgies in each situation. It’s a continuous process of understanding the internal and external influences on our thinking, managing and regulating those influences to channel them in the best possible way for the best outcome. It requires awareness of our thought processes on a deeper level and making them work for us when it matters most. It’s also about managing our mental resources, and the regulation of attention and focus. Think of it as a mix of being adaptable, understanding the long game in our decisions, and recognizing our mental limits. It’s not just about knowing what you’re thinking, but how and why you’re thinking it.

About My Events

What sets my appearances apart is that they go beyond mere lectures to interactive experiences that contribute to a continuous, living body of knowledge.  Together, with my audiences we actively engage in immersive ‘experiments’ that continuously shape an evolving research experience with each audience benefitting from the cumulative knowledge. Throughout my journey as a lecturer and researcher, I’ve had the privilege of connecting with more than 700 audiences of experts in this dynamic manner, that consistently shapes and refines the strategies I bring to future audiences.

Driven by the collective intelligence of my audiences, I am wholeheartedly committed to exploring the intricacies of decision-making, problem-solving, and thinking quality. Through our collaborative research experience, we unlock profound insights and discover hands-on strategies that inspire genuine change. Together, we venture beyond the confines of the laboratory and delve into the real world, uncovering practical strategies that empower experts to make better decisions when it truly matters

What is “Thinking Quality”?

Thinking quality refers to the efficacy and adaptability of cognitive processes involved in decision-making and problem-solving. In a psychological and neuroscience context, it is a multidimensional construct that involves the optimization of various cognitive functions, emotional understanding, and self-regulation mechanisms to enhance overall decision-making and problem-solving capabilities.


Have you ever considered how these components play a role in your daily decision-making?

I focus on five major components of cognitive processing related to thinking quality:

  1. Cognitive Flexibility: The ability to switch between different modes of thought and adapt to changing environments or rules. For example, how well can you adjust your thinking when faced with a sudden change at work or an unexpected personal challenge?
  2. Metacognition: Involves self-awareness of one’s thought processes. It’s about evaluating and regulating your cognitive strategies, recognizing when a particular approach to thinking is or isn’t working. Can you think about your thinking and understand its strengths and weaknesses?
  3. Information Processing Efficiency: How effectively and accurately an individual can process, store, and retrieve information. This includes attentional control, working memory capacity, and the speed of cognitive processing. Are you able to focus in a world full of distractions and efficiently use the information you learn?
  4. Emotional Intelligence: Understanding and managing your emotions, and empathizing with others, significantly influences decision-making and problem-solving. How often do you reflect on how your emotions affect your judgments?
  5. Bias Recognition and Management: The ability to identify and mitigate cognitive biases that can skew reasoning and judgment. Are you aware of any biases that might be influencing your decisions?